ugc package



ugc.__main__ module

Allows calling python -m ugc from the root of the project.

ugc.cli module

Describes the commands available from the terminal when running this tool.

ugc.cli.print_version(context, param, value)

Print the program version and exit.


ugc.commands module

List the commands available from the CLI: one per function.

ugc.commands.check_score_accuracy(grades) dict
ugc.commands.generate_sample(config) dict

Generate a sample grades JSON config file.

ugc.commands.generate_sample_overwrite(config) dict

Generate a sample grades JSON config file: overwrite if it exists.

ugc.commands.plot_modules(grades: Grades, api=False, options: dict = {}) dict

Plot modules over time with additional information and save the generated plot to path. It might be a good idea to refactor this gigantic function some day.


grades (Grades) – ugc grades object.

ugc.commands.summarize_all(grades: Grades, symbol: str = '=', repeat: int = 80) dict

Print a summary of modules done and in progress.

ugc.commands.summarize_done(grades) dict

Print a summary of the progress made so far for modules that are done and dusted.

ugc.commands.summarize_progress(grades) dict

Print a summary of only the modules that are currently in progress.

ugc.commands.summarize_progress_avg_progress_only(grades) dict

ugc.config module

Manage the configuration file.

class ugc.config.Config(json_str=None, config_path=None)

Bases: object

Loads the configuration where grades are stored.

If json_str is passed, load from a JSON string. Instead, if config_path is passed, load from a path. Else, try loading from a default configuration file.

static _check_total_weight_sums_up_100_for_module(module, module_name) bool
all_modules_are_found_with_valid_names() bool
all_modules_have_valid_float_scores_and_weights() bool
check_config_is_not_empty() bool
check_score_accuracy_raises_error_on_RPLed_module_with_scores() bool
check_total_weight_sums_up_100_in_all_modules() bool
config_is_a_dict() bool
load() dict

Load grades from JSON (string or file).

verify() None

Check that the config file contains valid data. One of the functions will throw an error if the config is not valid.

exception ugc.config.ConfigValidationError(custom_msg)

Bases: Exception

Raised when there is an error in the config file.

ugc.grades module

Command-line application to get information about progress made in a BSc Computer Science at the University of London (calculations are specific to this particular degree).

class ugc.grades.Grades(json_str=None, config_path=None, verified=True, error=None)

Bases: object

_get_unweighted_data_of_modules_in_progress() tuple
_get_weighted_data_of_modules_in_progress() tuple
get_list_of_finished_modules() list

Return a list of dicts containing information about all the modules that have a valid score (either -1 or 0 <= x <= 100).

get_list_of_modules_in_progress() list

Return a list of dict containing all the non-empty values of the modules in progress.

get_module_scores_of_finished_modules() list

Return a list of floats with the score obtained in each module.

get_module_scores_of_finished_modules_for_system(system: str = 'US') dict

Return a dictionary containing the converted ECTS score for each module.

get_num_of_finished_modules() int

Return the number of modules completed with a score greater than or equal to zero as an integer.

static get_percentage_degree_done(num_credits: int) float

From the total number of credits, return the percentage done out of 360 credits.

get_scores_of_modules_in_progress() list

Return a list of floats with the score obtained in each module in progress.

get_scores_of_modules_in_progress_for_system(system: str = 'US') dict

Return a dictionary containing the converted ECTS score for each module in progress.

property total_credits: int

Get the total number of credits gotten so far as an integer.

property unweighted_average: float

Return the unweighted average across all completed modules.

property unweighted_average_in_progress_only: float

Return the unweighted average across modules in progress only.

property unweighted_average_including_in_progress: float

Return the unweighted average across all completed modules and those in progress.

property weighted_average: float
property weighted_average_in_progress: float
property weighted_average_in_progress_only: float